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Upcoming event planning

Posted on by Clive Walker in Website Review

I wrote this post a while back. The content can still be relevant but the information I've linked to may not be available.

I visit quite a few websites on a regular basis (or subscribe to their RSS feeds) but a website I am using more and more is Upcoming which is a social event calendar website that is part of the Yahoo empire. The website has been around for some time but it's only relatively recently that I have 'discovered' it.

Upcoming makes it dead easy to keep track of events, sign up for events, add events to your web or desktop calendar with a single click, make contacts and friends, and see what events your friends are attending etc etc. It all works really well.

It's also possible to add your own event and this provides a great opportunity for event planners, or anyone else, to publicise an event. Upcoming is great for this but I started to wonder how many people are missing out because they are not 'web-knowledgeable' enough. I talk to many people about websites and often come across blank looks when I mention this or the other website that I saw recently. Perhaps I am just a geek but I also wonder whether there is a two-tier society developing between heavy web users and people who do not use the web much or at all?

Maybe this is too 'deep' for a Monday morning? Anyway, if you want a great socal event planner website, try Upcoming.

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