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Link checking your website

Posted on by Clive Walker in Web Development Pubs

I wrote this post a while back. The content can still be relevant but the information I've linked to may not be available.

I maintain several personal websites including a pub guide and a directory of pub links. In the latter case, it is particularly important to keep up-to-date with invalid links. People are only too happy to submit their link when it is new but if the link becomes invalid, for example the domain name changes or the website goes belly up, I seem to be the last to know.

I have all my links in a database but what I need is a simple link checking tool that can search my web pages for invalid links or do the same thing through my website's admin backend. That's where this LinkChecker extension [home page] for Firefox is very useful. It adds a 'Check Page Links' command to the right click menu. The extension checks each link and highlights every link on the page with a different colour according to their validity [green for valid, red for invalid ... you get the idea].

LinkChecker is a great little tool.

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