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Expression Engine presented

Posted on by Clive Walker in News Textpattern

I wrote this post a while back. The content can still be relevant but the information I've linked to may not be available.

Last night at the 9th Sussex Geek Dinner, Geoff Adams enthused about Expression Engine as a content management system (CMS). Overall, EE seems like a very comprehensive, flexible and well organised CMS. My overall impression (I might be wrong) is that EE is better suited for medium-sized websites.

I use Textpattern as a CMS and there were similiarities between the two systems, albeit with different terminology in each case. I'd quite like to read a review from someone who has used each system because both have their devotees, both have a lot of functionality, they are standards-based - and both are under-rated when compared with other more famous systems like WordPress.

The Sussex Geek Dinner has picked up momentum in recent months. There were new and familiar faces at last night's event and the next one is sold-out already!

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